Sunday, November 29, 2009

Catch Me, Kill Me//Making of pg 23//part four

this is a simpler shot basically created in DOF. in the image you can see you must have a lower f-number to create DOF w/the vray camera. i also labeled the lights according to their function.

using the setup from the previous maxfile i rendered the amount separate and comped it in.  the image on the right is the final using the diffuse glow technique from an earlier post.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Catch Me, Kill Me//Making of pg 23//part three

while watching the morning headlines on cnn...

adam lambert's appearance for good morning america has been canceled? NO!!!!!!!!
second panel:  i'm starting w/the vargas max file created for the previous panel and making adjustments to camera and lights to match the storyboards for panel two.

samething /w dante.

after putting them together and in addition to some curves and brightness/contrast i also moved dante's hand closer to his face for a better on screen balance.

one extra note:  i take one more step before finishing the image whereby i flatten the layers, select all, copy, paste, switch modes to screen, adjust opacity and then blur the image.  this gives a soft diffuse glow to the image.  i don't do this exactly the same way every time but this is the basic workflow.



Friday, November 20, 2009

Catch Me, Kill Me//Making of pg 23//part two

venti vanilla bean frap w/3 add shots, stoney gomez groove... and art... starting now...

had to vacuum...
because vargas and dante are in the same convo as the previous page i'm able to use the lighting and basic scene setup as before and just move the camera around.  you can see i put the vargas render in the background as reference to help pose and light dante.  the image shows the 3d scene set up, the story board and the render of dante.

after putting dante and vargas into the same image the lighting isn't working at all.  i'd like to have some edge lighting on each of them coming from behind and try to put the importance on their dialogue.

i moved some lights around vargas to create some rim lighting, turned down the fill light.

same for dante.

orbit, did a little animation and used the vray motion blur.

w/no post on the right, on the left some photoshop curves, brightness/contrast and some of my background elements from previous panels for the environment.

some word balloons and adjustments to orbit, i animated him over 10 frames and rendered w/motion blur in vray, and we have the first of four panels!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Catch Me, Kill Me//Making of pg 23//part one

i'm going to walk you thru the making of one graphic novel page from start to finish.  so if you have nothing else to do or are bored or maybe married, then fire up the popcorn maker and let's make some art!

FIRST, before i started anything i figured out what size and dpi each page would be and made myself a template:

then i go to my story boards, created for me by the legendary TIM BOXELL:

i copy the the story board into the psd file, pg 23 in this example, and size it according to the borders of the psd factoring in bleed @ print time.  a note about pg numbers, going by tim's numbering i'm on pg 25, going by what pg i'm on its pg 23, i'm an artist, it doesn't have to make sense.

this page, 23, and the one before it, 22, are the same size and layout.  i use the story board image as a guide in figuring out how big each panel should be, in this case there are 4 panels and each should be 1140x1565 pixels.

now it's time to look at the first panel and start to translate it into 3d.  each time i start a new page i look at the story boards and i go back to the script and look at previous pages to think about lighting, time, emotion, etc...  it's important point out that i've already spent years creating characters to use in the graphic novel.  in this example the artist pascal blanche designed, modeled and textured the character:

we are going to start w/vargas, pimp of the universe, on the left hand side of the page.  this is my set up of lights and cameras in max.  i'll go into more details about my settings in max on the next render for now i want to show an overview on how each page is put together.

this is the finished render out of max.  for the moment this is working.  once i get everybody in the shot i review lighting and materials.

this is enough for now, i'm starting to bore myself.  we will pose, light and render dante in the next round.  ding!


some of my photography

san fran chinatown

out my front door

san fran street


Vertical Farm

this is a project that i've been working on for over 5 years!  chris has done a great job of cataloging the history of this project.

i got to build several versions of the farm along w/the renderings!

rolf mohr was instrumental in the design:

max 2010 xtreme drivers//nvidia

Changes for v12.00.07 are:
- Adds support for Max 2010 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Catch Me, Kill Me//pg 18 taxi driver poster

i love movies and one of my all time favs is taxi driver.  so i used the taxi driver poster as a template for my pg 18, i felt like the main character, dante, is going thru the same kind of emotions that are represented in the poster.

Catch Me, Kill Me//machine phase graphic novel

i've been posting pages as i complete them, click anywhere on an image to advance the page:

Challenger set up//max 2010 & vray

i'm lazy so this is a list and images of my settings for a car studio style rendering in max 2010 and vray:
placement of objects and cameras, there are no lights in this scene, i'm using a hdr image for lighting and reflections:

this is what the hdr image looks like, i bought it here:

these are the hdr settings, the only thing to note is when using the vray camera you must turn the overall multi way up otherwise you won't see the result. if you'd like to know why read this:

these are the default camera settings except for turning off vignetting (the default is on, it should be off by default), and i changed the white balance to neutral.

these are my settings for high rez renderings in vray, these settings, for the most part, will work w/animations. color mapping has been adjusted, note that the gamma control has been changed if you want more read this:

the model was purchased from here:

all the materials i downloaded from the link below and altered them based on what worked w/my lighting and camera settings